business expenses

美 [ˈbɪznəs ɪkˈspɛnsəz]英 [ˈbɪznəs ɪksˈpɛnsɪz]
  • 营业费用
business expensesbusiness expenses
  1. Business expenses had to be amortized over a 60 month period .


  2. This thesis has chosen the number of the employees as the labor input index , the net asset as the capital input index , and the business expenses as the business input index .


  3. You can put this cost down to business expenses .


  4. Put down telephone calls as part of your general business expenses .


  5. Those are business expenses . You can write those off .


  6. He took out a mortgage on his house to pay for business expenses .


  7. eg.The business expenses cover everything from aviation to entertainment .


  8. A form for tracking and submitting business expenses .


  9. Tax which acts as an important essential business expenses has a direct impact on net profit of enterprises .


  10. Employees use the application to record business expenses they may have incurred and to request reimbursement .


  11. The reform to require payment of official business expenses with credit cards will be deepened .


  12. Money spent on business expenses is deductible .


  13. The basic point is that forced labor represents a much smaller percentage of business expenses than it used to .


  14. My accountant wants me to prepare a schedule of my business expenses for the tax office .


  15. The real reason I came to see you was to see if you could help me get reimbursed for my business expenses .


  16. Wieso der Name Corporate Business Expenses und nicht Travel Expenses ?


  17. Authenticate and process the disbursement for business expenses eg. taxation , finance expense , payroll & employee benefits , etc.


  18. Mila and Oa generate enough students to cover all of their expenses , which include not only their living expenses but also their business expenses .


  19. You do not withhold payroll tax , you don 't provide medical insurance you don 't pay business expenses and it is our full intention to stay that way .


  20. It emphasized that the mergence and acquisition can reduce the business expenses and tax revenues of the enterprises , improve their efficiency , promote their tactics and change their life circles .


  21. Cisco declined to give details of how it would spend the money , which also includes business expenses , financing for customers , direct and indirect investments , and R & D costs .


  22. Then it goes to HR , where it will be checked for accuracy and scrutinized to ensure that the expenses are valid business expenses and comply with the company 's policies .


  23. The insured amount after reduction shall not be less than the amount obtainable if the policy value reserve existing at the time the original contract is terminated , minus business expenses , were paid as a lump-sum premium .


  24. How should companies control business travel expenses ?


  25. Due to the recession , 72 percent of survey respondents had monitored their business travel expenses in various ways this past year .


  26. 1 the remuneration shown in the table does not include any business related expenses incurred in the performance of the ceo 's services .


  27. A study of the means to improve the standard of sales forces business trip expenses in state-running enterprises ; What a terrible economy hotel the shower does not work . they shall not be so cheap on the travel expenses .


  28. You must maintain complete records of all business income and expenses .


  29. Looking for a better way to keep track of your small business income and expenses ?


  30. Do live beneath your means , and have six months of business and living expenses in savings .
